Please Login Below Tuesday, September 17, 2024 
KeyNet Client Receivables POWHATAN COUNTY, VA Keystone Information Systems, Inc.


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“ If you have not created a login for this site, then you must register as a new user. When searching your Personal Property bill, enter your Social Security number ONLY, with no dashes.”

•  The first time you go to the site, you will need to register yourself. That process is simple. Please click on the Register Here button and then enter your email address, name, and password. When you hit Submit, you'll be logged in and can proceed from there. The next time you go to the site, you can log in with that email and password.

•  Once you are logged in the first time, please read the instructions on the Welcome page which should briefly describe the options.

•  Click on a link under the Payment Types heading depending on which type of bill you would like to view ; for example, Water/Sewer

•  On the next page, if you have selected Personal Property, enter the Account Number from a recent bill, along with the Social Security Number associated with that Account, and then hit Search. If you had selected Real Estate, enter your Account number and Parcel Number. For Water/Sewer, enter the Customer Number and Service Number. Again, there are instructions which hopefully explain this process and a link to a sample bill.

•  Your account should display on this page if you've entered the correct combination of search fields.

•  Click on Add to Account - This saves your account information so that the next time you log in to the site, you can go directly to My Accounts and not have to search for your account information.

•  If you are responsible for paying another bill, you can add multiple accounts to your email.

•  For a Utility account, the link with the service account and customer number can be clicked which will pop-up a page with general, consumption, and transaction information which will show prior bills and payments.

•  Likewise, for a Real Estate or Property account, the link with the account number can be clicked which will pop-up a page with information related to that property. And the Business License information will display information on license renewals and past bills.

•  The View Open Bills button will show you the current amount due on any account that you've associated your login with.

•  Once on that page, check the box next to the account you wish to pay, or check the box on the top of the page which selects all accounts.

•  Click on Continue to Payment

•  From the Items to Pay page, you can click on the remove check box if you do not wish to pay an account. You can also adjust the amount you wish to pay.

•  Click here to Pay will re-direct you to the Value Payment Systems (VPS) payment site which handles the credit card and banking information.

•  Step through the payment site, choosing your method of payment and then following the prompts to add your credit card number or bank information.

•   When you have completed the transaction, the final acceptance button will return you to the KeyNet Payment Portal site, and you should receive an email confirmation of your payment.

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